I believe you are what you love and hence here's an entire section for it. Not only due to what and how one loves tells you a lot about that person, but mainly thanks to the opportunity given to do so. What better purpose for a homepage like this than to express some löv?

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t h i n g s   i   l i k e     

my bros and family   >  affinity   >  music   >  to create   >  beauty   >  bossi   >  the dutch national team in soccer   >  passion   >  smiles   >  exploration   >  freedom   >  podcasts   >  beverages   >  professionalism   >  video games   >  juventus fc   >  artistry   >  psychology   >  self-insight   >  challenges   >  art/design   >  the information society   >  stupid frank   >  sms   >  tournaments   >  ruud van nistelrooij   >  self-distance   >  diaries   >  lennox lewis   >  style   >  nigella   >  to wake up   >  curiosity   >  carlos moya   >  to try strange food   >  honesty   >  gli azzurri   >  other worlds   >  roberto baggio   >  openness   >  loyalty   >  white chocolate   >  ale del piero   >  storytelling   >  champions league evenings   >  ice cream   >  chris cunningham   >  serie a   >  pets   >  director's commentary tracks   >  barack obama   >  conscientiousness   >  licorice   >  mentally strong women   >  dennis bergkamp   >  to feel fit   >  ali karimi   >  sony   >  arthur schopenhauer   >  space  >  pierre van hooijdonk   >  when elderly people curse   >  that unique way of walking   >  peter forsberg   >  statoil   >  the demoscene   >  juan roman riquelme   >  parlor games   >    planet earth series   >  olympic games and similar big sport events   >  zlatan ibrahimovic   >  google   >  jose mourinho  >  garage smell   >  visualice   >  that i could go on for long

usch  t h i n g s   i   d i s l i k e

egoism  <   limitations  <   when people i care for are being destructive  <   truths  <   promiscuity  <   unfinished projects  <   pride  <   to be right when i wanted to be wrong  <   ageing  <   the word "hejsan"  <   when feelings are viewed as enemies  <   talking to the phone while sleeping  <   powerlessness  <   my toe  <   the juventus owner agnelli  <   false humility  <   searching for lost items  <   populism  <   svenska modeord   <   name calling  <   laziness  <   to be dependent of sleep  <   telemarketers  <   stinginess  <   endless needs of confirmation  <   immovable opinions  <   jysk commercials  <   vacuum cleaner sound  <   self-pity  <   debates on tv/radio  <   naivety  <   soccer injuries  <   ambulance noise  <   to speak/write about myself  <   forgetfulness  <   war  <   dwellings  <   computer problems  <   windows update  <   problems of the privileged  <   elitism  <   back pain  <   juries  <   populistic mona sahlin politics  <   my stamina when playing soccer  <   that this unfairly makes me seem demanding when i'm quite carefree

. . . last update 111206